Change your life for the better through the use of The Whole Person’s services
What Service is this?
HCBS in Kansas oversees the process of providing supports and services for people with disabilities in Kansas. With Participant-Direction, the participant or their representative has the right to hire, train, schedule, supervise and employ Personal Care Service Workers (PCSW) to work with the participant in their home and community.
What Service is this?
The Whole Person provides services that meet the transitional, educational, and social needs of youth with disabilities. The goal is to help youth with disabilities learn the independent living skills needed to make a successful transition into adulthood.
Motivated and Caring Staff
Our employees love to assist people and also to meet and befriend new people. You will find that they are calm and patient to your needs.

Live Life to the Fullest
Do not let life slow you down. The Whole Person is here to help. Your disability is empowering, and we’ll show you how.

What Service is this?
The Whole Person provides several different employment services to people with all types of disabilities. The primary goal of these services is to assist individuals with obtaining and keeping meaningful employment. We focus on finding people integrated jobs in the community and matching employers with qualified candidates to create a diverse workforce.
Reliable and Effective
The Whole Person will ensure that you have a comfortable experience with our services